St Batholomew

  • Usual AM routine: daily task planning at home, devotions and Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Attended substantively to some ongoing Nashotah House business. Being without a Dean makes more work for the Board.
  • Got to work on my homily for Proper 18 (September 10 at Trinity, Yazoo City, MS, which I take care of under the Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight program), taking it from a basic message statement to a developed outline. This took the rest of the morning, and some of the afternoon.
  • Attended the 12:15 Mass for St Bartholomew's Day in the cathedral chapel.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Finished the sermon work I had begun in the morning. 
  • Reviewed and responded to a request for a marital judgment. I was pleased to learn that the plan is for the new marriage to be celebrated and blessed in the context of a Sunday Eucharist.
  • Wrestled earnestly with the readings appointed for next Thursday evening's Eucharist in St Mary's Chapel at Nashotah House. I have been invited to be the preacher for the occasion. The wrestling match produced a developed outline, which I will flesh out next week.
  • All this was done from the recliner in my office, as I've been feeling, as they say in the south, "puny" for about the last 36 hours: that old "run over by a truck" feeling, along with some pain in my chest when I inhale. I called an advice nurse, who, upon hearing my symptoms and talking with me, recommended that I proceed to urgent care. So I drove home, changed clothes, and followed the advice. Chest X-ray clear. White cell count slightly elevated. Working theory: a weird form of bronchitis. My instructions are to push fluids, take it kind of easy, and call my regular doctor in the morning. I am, if anything, a compliant patient.


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