I loved getting home last night, and it was hard to leave it again this morning, but duty called. On the road toward Nashotah House at 8:30, arriving at 1:15. Heard the second half of visiting Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Q&A with the campus community, then spend a little but of time with him and his staff as he recorded a short video for the seminary's publicity folks. A couple of hours of downtime allowed me to sit in the library atrium, process some email, and take a phone call. I also got to look at some old back issues (this time from 1978) of The Living Church, which is always a favorite sport of mine when I'm there. At 4:30 it was time to get back to Adams Hall and get vested for Evensong. At the conclusion of the office, and after the new students had taken the matriculation oath and signed the book, I presented Bishop Curry with the Archbishop Ramsey Medal, after which he mesmerized the assembly in his usual way. Drinks and a "grazing" dinner followed. I'm camped out at the Hilton Garden in Oconomowoc, ready to drive home in the morning.
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