Tuesday (John Henry Hobart)

  • Out of the house earlyish to keep an 8:20 appointment with my primary care doctor.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral, a bit on the later-than-usual side.
  • Consulted briefly with Paige on a website issue.
  • Edited, refined, and printed the working text of my homily for this Sunday (St Mark's, West Frankfort).
  • Took a brisk 20-minute walk in the immediate environs.
  • Assembled a package of various liturgical and musical items pertaining to the synod Eucharist and sent them off as email attachments to Fr Halt.
  • Lunch from La Bamba, eaten at home.
  • Took care of an administrative chore pertaining to last weekend's visit to my Mississippi DEPO parish last weekend. For various frustrating technical reasons, it took longer than it should have.
  • Chaired a two-hour meeting via conference call of the Nashotah House Board of Directors.
  • Processed the slew of emails that had arrived during the conference call.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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