
  • Usual AM routine. Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepped to preside and preach at the midday Mass.
  • Spent more time than I would have liked chasing down some suspicious charges on my personal checking account. This involved a trip down to Illinois National Bank. It's pretty well resolved now.
  • Attended to some details pertaining to the next meeting of the Forward Movement board.
  • Consulted with Paige briefly on a website issue.
  • Began work on my homily for the synod Eucharist.
  • Once again, reported for duty in the cathedral chapel at 12:15, but nobody joined me.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Attended to a late-arriving email from the American Friends of the Anglican Centre in Rome.
  • Got back to work on my synod homily, eventually ending up with a developed outline from which I can produce a rough draft next week.
  • Worked on the in-process synod Eucharist, focusing on an occasion-appropriate Prayers of the People.
  • Gathered the comments of the clergy with whom I had vetted the draft Mission Strategy Report form and made some changes to the document in response. Sent it off to Fr Newago for his input.
  • Worked on my sermon for Proper 23 (October 15 at St Matthew's, Bloomington), taking it from the "message statement" to "developed outline" stage. Sermon preparation is mentally draining.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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