
  • Weekly and daily task planning at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon on a range of issues.
  • Attended to a short stack of administrative details regarding an individual in the ordination process, breaking away at points to field incoming emails on the fly.
  • Dealt by email with a pastoral issue.
  • The IRS thinks I owe them money. I disagree. So I bravely entered whatever circle of hell it is that's required to reach them by phone. While on hold (the music and intermittent announcement forming another aspect of the general hellishness of the experience), I made some progress on deconstructing and reconstructing a sermon text for Advent I from 1999 for use this year at St John's, Centralia.
  • The IRS issue finally having been resolved around 12:25 (sadly, not in a way I had hoped), and cognizant that the periodic limited appearance of the McRib sandwich is in season, I stopped by McD's for one, and ate it at home.
  • Back in the office, I finished the work I had begun on the Advent homily.
  • Dealt by email with an ongoing pastoral issue on behalf of one of our clergy.
  • Continued participation in an email conversation with the chairman of a board that would like to elect me to membership. The organization is dedicated to a purpose about which I care very deeply, and they only meet by conference call and don't seem to be conflicted or have financial woes, so ...
  • Dealt by email with an administrative/pastoral matter that called for the exercise of some episcopal authority.
  • As part of an ongoing project of converting as much to pixels rather than paper, spent some quality time with both my desktop scanner and the network copies/printer, which also scans.
  • Met with a lay communicant of the diocese who is on the cusp of exploring a potential vocation to ordained ministry.


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