Wednesday (C.S, Lewis)

  • Got bogged down in some technology issues while still at home, so ... a bit of a late start to the morning. Short-form MP at my desk once I got to the office.
  • Dealt by substantive emails with a couple of pastoral/administrative (as sharply distinguished, of course, from administrative/pastoral) issues. As much as I may complain about email, I am, on balance, immensely grateful for it. I can't imagine doing what I do with the technology of yesteryear.
  • Lost time with conversations and phone calls that we peripheral to "business," as it were. It feels hard to get traction on work this day before a long holiday weekend (I have no visitation this Sunday, so it will indeed be an actual holiday weekend for me).
  • Took an initial fly by on the readings for Epiphany I, in preparation for preaching at Trinity, Lincoln on January 7. Disappointed in a major way with what the Revised Common Lectionary has done with the feast of the Baptism of Christ.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Cleaned up some loose ends on the morning's sermon work.
  • Having collected advice from key players, I proposed to the Bishop of Tabora some tentative dates for his next visit to the Diocese of Springfield.
  • Attended to a piece of business pertaining to Cursillo.
  • Reviewed the draft minutes from last Friday's regular meeting of the Diocesan Council.
  • Attended to a couple of routine monthly personal organization calendar-maintenance chores (including making sure I have the correct service times for my December visitations, in this case, and that I've set up reminders to make sure I've connected with the relevant clergy regarding pertinent details).
  • Cleaned up my computer desktop--more routine maintenance.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral a bit on the early side.


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