
  • Task planning at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Proactive pastoral check-in by email.
  • Began the process of gathering my thoughts, and making some notes, on my next-due Covenant blog post. This is going to be a substantial essay. It took the rest of the morning.
  • Except that I did leave a bit on the early side in order to drop by McD's and be home at noon to meet an electrician. That also took a while. Back in the office at 2:15.
  • Booked travel to Houston in January. I've been invited to preach at a Choral Evensong during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at the cathedral church of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter (a sort of non-geographic Roman Catholic diocese that worships using language from the Prayer Book tradition in particular and music from the Anglican tradition in general).
  • Scanned and otherwise processed accumulated hard copy.
  • Prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, followed by an earlyish Evening Prayer.
  • Left the office at 4:15 to go home and get a treadmill workout in before dinner.


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