St John

  • Processed email at home.
  • Engaged a vigorous treadmill workout.
  • Accompanied our Minnesota daughter and her two daughters on a visit to the Lincoln Museum. I've been there so many times I feel like an unofficial docent! 
  • Attended to a significant and yet unresolved administrative/pastoral matter with a substantive email. Sometimes it feels like pushing a glacier uphill.
  • Located a sermon for the First Sunday after Christmas from a prior year and reworked it for use this Sunday at St Bartholomew's, Granite City.
  • Now that we are down to just three houseguests, I was able to begin to restore some regular order to the house. Much more yet to do.
  • The highlight of the day had to be playing Monopoly after dinner with the daughter and granddaughters. I'ts been decades since I've played, and it was great fun.


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