Thursday (St Ambrose)

  • Began the day with about 90 minutes on the treadmill. Morning Prayer while I was cooling off. Task planning over breakfast. At the offce around 9:45.
  • Attended to some fairly low-level General Convention-related business.
  • Cleaned up my computer desktop. Routine maintenance.
  • Stepped out for a personal meeting.
  • Took a phone call from one of our rectors about an ordination-process issue.
  • Attended to a Gnosis issue (we *will* be victorious!).
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • More work with the Gnosis issue. Incremental success.
  • Off to another personal meeting.
  • Took my homily for Advent III from "developed outline" to "rough draft."
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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