
  • 90 minutes on the treadmill. Morning Prayer while cooling off.
  • Task planning over breakfast. Such things ebb and flow. While December tends to be a busy month for parish clergy, my experience as a bishop has been the opposite. Were it not for the urgent matter that consumed yesterday (and much of today), I would be down to that list of "when I can get around to it" tasks.
  • In the office, brief consultations with the Communicator and the Archdeacon. Some light email processing.
  • Left a voicemail with the Chancellor of another diocese who has some technical expertise in the clergy discipline canons.
  • First get-to-know-you interview with a lay communicant who wishes to test a vocation to Holy Orders.
  • Met with one of our clergy, who both does supply work around the diocese and has some pre-ordination technical expertise that is potentially helpful in an ongoing matter.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Signed and sealed ordination certificates for two transitional deacons who are serving in another diocese and will be ordained to the priesthood there on my behalf.
  • More emails, phone calls, and conferences about yesterday's Big Development.
  • Wrote congratulatory emails to clergy celebrating ordination anniversaries over the next three days.
  • Short form EP on the way home.


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