Tuesday (St Clement of Alexandria)

  • Weekly and daily task planning at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Reviewed some items of administrivia with--appropriately enough--the Administrator (whose path, between travel, holidays, and illness, has not crossed mine it what feels like a very long time).
  • Got into the weeds with the Archdeacon on an ongoing pastoral situation. Left a voicemail in consequence of that conversation.
  • Got to work on further revision and editing of my homily for this Sunday.
  • Left at 11:30 to take Brenda to a dental appointment. Afterward, we grabbed lunch from the *other* Taco Gringo in town and brought it home to eat.
  • Returned to the sermon prep, concluding with a printed text in my car and e-versions scheduled to post online Sunday right when the liturgy begins at St Michael's, O'Fallon.
  • Got through to the Bishop of New Jersey to ask him to act on my behalf with respect the two of our transitional deacons who are working in his diocese and who now have Standing Committee approval for ordination to the presbyterate.
  • Composed and sent a substantive and formal email to the chairman of the Commission on Ministry, with the President of the Standing overhearing, a request for action on their part that will move the ball down the field in the case of a former Roman Catholic priest who wishes to be received as a priest in TEC.
  • Via email, took care of some substantive Communion Partners business.
  • Emailed the Treasurer and the Chair of Finance on a matter of financial administration.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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