Ash Wednesday

  • Task planning and Morning Prayer at home. (I had to wait for a furnace service technician.)
  • While the furnace was being worked on, I took care (by email) of an administrative chore pertaining to an ordination issue.
  • In the office a bit before 10: Had a long and substantive phone conversation with one of our clergy about some parochial goings-on.
  • Had a series of short meetings with Paige in pursuit of untangling a Gnosis (our database) issue.
  • Worked on another financial/administrative Gordian knot, eventually punting it to somebody else to finish the job. I can do spreadsheets to a point, and then ... not so much.
  • This being a fasting day, I went home for lunch*time,* but not actual lunch. The strength of routine is compelling.
  • This seems to be the day for administrative chores that are not just slam dunks. Much of my earlier afternoon was consumed by stuff pertaining to the scheduled visit of the Bishop of Tabora to the diocese in June.
  • Reviewed a rough cut of the latest catechetical video project that Paige and I have been working on. Much of it needs to be re-recorded. Not her fault, but mine! We talked about a technical fix that might help my performance.
  • Read and marked (I didn't go so far as to learn and inwardly digest) the annual report from the cathedral's parish meeting.
  • Did the same with the same genre of material from St George's, Belleville. 
  • Turned my attention to a long-term writing project, a series a short reflections on liturgical and hymn texts for the season of Advent. Got about halfway through a piece on the hymn "Lo, he comes ...".
  • Headed home at 4:15 to retrieve Brenda, run a short errand, and drive down to St Michael's, O'Fallon, where it was my privilege to preside and preach at their evening Ash Wednesday liturgy. We got back home a little before 10:15.


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