Friday (Martyrs of Libya)

  • Task planning and Morning Prayer at home, while I waited for a plumber.
  • Spent the rest of the morning at home waiting for a mold abatement contractor who never showed. But I was not idle:
  • Drafted a formal letter inviting the Bishop of Tabora, his wife, and one other from the diocese to visit us later this year. Sent it by email to Sue, who formatted and printed it on letterhead, affixed my scanned signature, scanned it, and sent it back to me by email. I downlaoded and sent it on the Bishop Elias by email. Isn't technology wonderful?
  • Turned my attention to another large writing project--a pastoral teaching document on sex, sexual behavior, and marriage. Finished drafting a section on basic theological assumptions.
  • Ate a lunch of leftovers.
  • In the office now: Squandered a bunch of time in a technology fiasco (sometimes technology is not wonderful) in a vain attempt to wire money to Tabora using Western Union. We'll develop a Plan B next week.
  • In an ongoing attempt to go as paperless as possible, spent a chunk of quality time with both the network scanner and my desktop scanner. It feels good to be incrementally more organized.
  • Did an Ignatian-style meditation on the gospel reading from the daily office lectionary (from John 17).
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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