Thursday (Thomas Bray)

  • Out the door earlier than usual, right at 8:00, to run the YFNBmobile to the dealer for a scheduled maintenance appointment. (Short form MP on the way.) Checked it in and headed down Second Street on foot, arriving at the office around 8:30.
  • Immediately logged in on a conference call meeting the the Society of King Charles the Martyr board. I can say that the devotional societies like SKCM do vital work, but they do good work, and I am pleased to be able help. My, oh my, are the meetings ever long! This one was two hours. Don't tell anyone else on the board, but I did get some multi-tasking done. to wit:
  • Finished the reflection on an Advent hymn text that I began yesterday afternoon.
  • Reserved a rental car for week after next when I fly to Florida for a Communion Partners meeting.
  • Began to work on roughed-out notes for a Lenten soup supper teaching presentation I'm set to make at St George's, Belleville next week.
  • The meeting adjourned, I took a bit of a decompression break. (Despite the multi-tasking, there were points when I was very much directly engaged in the conversation, so it was mentally wearing.) Walked across the office and bothered the Archdeacon.
  • Finished the Lenten series prep to the point where I can refine it next week, finishing around 11:40, just in time to walk back up to Isringhausen BMW and retrieve my vehicle.
  • Lunch from KFC, eaten at home.
  • With Brenda alongside me, drove across town to another auto dealer, this time Hyundai, to pick up her car, which has been in in-patient since Monday. It turned out that the one thing that we took it in there for, a burned out headlight bulb, had not been replaced. (The other stuff they did, costing about as much as the car is worth, was discovered after they got the vehicle in hand.) So ... more waiting. To their credit, they comped the parts and labor on the headlight.
  • Back in the office to find a short stack of emails that I took the time to process.
  • Too advantage of the unseasonably warm weather to take a brisk walk down Second to South Grand and back up on Spring St.
  • Wrote an email to the Standing Committee, following up on the face-to-face meeting I had with them last week.
  • Made air travel arrangements for a trip to the Baltimore area that I need to take next month.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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