
  • From home: organized my work for the day, sent an email to a staff member, and began editing/refining my sermon for this Sunday (St Paul's, Pekin).
  • Kept a 9:00 appointment with my psychotherapist. (Morning Prayer fell through the cracks today.)
  • To the diocesan office for a meeting of the Finance Committee.
  • Finished the sermon I'd begun working on, and printed my working script.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Met with Paige to make some preparations toward shooting the next catechetical video in the queue.
  • Reached out by email to the Bishop of Maryland on a matter that concerns both of us.
  • Picked up and dusted off an Ash Wednesday sermon text from a year long, long ago. Positioned it for major surgery and re-purposing for use next week at St Michael's, O'Fallon.
  • While I was scrubbed in, loaded another pre-used homily text onto the operating table and did some cosmetic surgery in anticipation of using at on Lent I at Holy Trinity, Danville.
  • Used the "Doodle poll" tool for the first time (other than as a recipient) to begin the process of setting a date and time for a couple meetings that need to be held.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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