
  • Customary robust (90 minute) Thursday treadmill workout to start the day.
  • Morning Prayer (fashionably late, around 10) in the cathedral.
  • Attended to some personal business (assembling electronic versions of my tax documents to email to my tax preparer).
  • Reached out by phone for a pastoral check-in to one of our clergy who recently underwent a serious medical procedure.
  • Sat down with Paige to re-record some sections of the catechetical video we're currently working on.
  • Emailed the Interim Dean of Nashotah House on a small but important administrative matter.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • My afternoon was consumed by the task of producing about 90% of a rough draft for my next-due post on the Covenant blog.
  • At 4:00 I hit the road southbound for Belleville, arriving at St George's right at the target time of 6:00. Ate Lenten soup with the congregation and delivered a catechetical presentation on the *renunciations* in the baptismal liturgy: cosmic evil, social evil, personal evil. 
  • Then I met for about 90 minutes with the Mission Leadership Team. There are some currently active issues in that family system that need some input from someone outside it. All will be well.
  • Home at 10:45, in time to catch the silver medal performance in ladies figure skating at the Olympics.


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