
  • Usual weekday AM routine. Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Prepped for a scheduled staff meeting.
  • Began to work on rehabbing a prior-year sermon text for Lent V for use this year at St Christopher's, Rantoul.
  • Received and spoke with a member of the larger Nashotah House constituency who arrived unannounced, being in Springfield in connection with his work.
  • Spent the rest of the morning in the aforementioned staff meeting. It has not been our custom to have one, but, in the interest of fostering more effective communication, it seemed "meet and right so to do." I think it was productive.
  • Lunched on leftovers are home. While there, stuck around for a 1:00 conference call about some personal matters.
  • Back in the office, finished the task I had begun earlier with the Lent V sermon.
  • Reviewed, tweaked, commented on, and sent back by email the draft liturgy program for the reception of a former Roman Catholic priest into the ordained ministry of the Episcopal Church. (He will be of our diocese to begin with, but not in it.)
  • Began the process of preparing to preach on that occasion (March 22). Laid out the broad strokes of a homily,
  • Did the same for the Chrism Mass sermon (March 24).
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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