Wednesday in Holy Week

  • Morning Prayer at home, since I needed to hang around for an electrician to arrive and take care of a list of long-deferred issues.
  • (still from home) Worked on my sermon for Easter III (April 15 at St Thomas', Salem), taking it from "message statement" to "developed outline."
  • (in the office now) Dealt by email with a matter pertaining to my membership on the board of the Society of King Charles the Martyr (and also with the fact that I am a bishop and therefore a member of General Convention and a member of the committee that will consider the inclusion of King Charles in the calendar of the Episcopal Church).
  • Stepped out for lunch downtown with my Roman Catholic counterpart, Thomas John Paprocki. It's always good when this sort of thing can happen.
  • Dealt with some technology issues. My email client started suddenly misbehaving. Reached out to tech support. Everything seems to be OK now.
  • Kept up a chain of email volleys with a young man who sought my help last week--out of the blue, I don't recall meeting him--who is struggling with issues of faith and doubt and his relationship with the church. I always feel it a privilege to be let into people's lives like this.
  • Hand-wrote greetings to clergy and spouses with April birthdays. (No weeding or ordination anniversaries in April, it appears.)
  • Substantive consultation with the Archdeacon regarding an ongoing pastoral/administrative issue.
  • Edited, refined, printed, and scheduled for posting my Maundy Thursday homily (tomorrow evening at the cathedral).
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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