
  • My smart phone woke up dead ... well, you know ... at least in a coma. So, Morning Prayer at home, and first in line at the AT&T store right when it opened. Some guy several decades younger than I am had it up and running in a couple of minutes. I think the technical term was "frozen."
  • When I got to the office, it seemed like there was just one minor distraction after another--little emergencies that kept popping up. Finally, a good while after 10, I was able to focus on my homily for Easter V (April 29 at Trinity, Mt Vernon). I reconditioned a text from a prior year and will refine it further next week.
  • Took further steps toward convening a task force to study clergy compensation and help develop some coherent guidelines.
  • Started a game of email tag with one of our clergy over an issue of mutual interest. (And, in this context, got into the technology weeds with my email client, which was misbehaving.)
  • With Paige's help, dusted off my very old Spotify account, and got reacquainted with it, all toward the end of supplying her with some musical background material for a video montage she's working on about Holy Week and Easter at the cathedral.
  • Lunch from a new place, a chicken wings joint on Wabash the name of which I now forget, eaten at home.
  • Back to Spotify, discovering that, while I *thought* I knew how to add a song to a playlist, I in fact did not. Corrective measures were enacted.
  • Ordered a new batch of starched cotton clergy collars.
  • Sent out an email memo to the staff over an issue of administrative policy (requesting that the diocesan logo appear as part of the signature in all outgoing emails from diocesan accounts).
  • Substantial phone check-in with Fr Newago, the Mission Strategy Developer for the three northern deaneries. His ministry seems to be proceeding apace.
  • Without feeling like there was much to show for the afternoon, it was gone. Emblematic of the day, in which it just felt hard to get traction.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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