Wednesday (St Athanasius)
Lest I take any pride in a recent pattern of well-planned and efficiently executed working days, with ample attention paid to getting a good amount of exercise, when everything seems to spin out of my control. Apparently I need to be kept humble. Day before yesterday I had some symptoms that were sufficiently noticeable and sufficiently indicative of a possible cardiac event that, in an abundance of caution, I spent some time in the ER. Tests all came back negative, thus bolstering my "history of negative cardiac workups," but the doctor wanted by to have a stress test, just to be on the safe side. For various reasons, it couldn't happen that day, so it was scheduled for 10am today. So up until about 0940 this morning, other than having had to skip breakfast, everything went well, and I expected to resume my planned activities at least by noon. Somehow I had forgotten that a stress test is a rather drawn-out procedure, and moderately unpleasant. So it was 1:45 before I got out of the clinic, without having had either breakfast or lunch, and feeling generally crummy. Then, just when I got myself feeling centered once again, and fed, I was back in the office and saw an email pertaining to some Chicago real estate transactions that we're involved in (one as sellers, one as co-buyers), and it was immediately off to retrieve Brenda and head to the bank to get some documents notarized, then to the Post Office to get them overnighted to Chicago. All the while I'm aware of an increasingly persistent cough and headache, so ... maybe getting sick? I got home and cranked out some work on my Pentecost homily, with fixing dinner on the grill sandwiched in there. Evening Prayer fell through the cracks, and I'm feeling generally out of control and a bit overwhelmed as the two remaining working days of the week loom ahead of me (with some plumbers at the house in the morning). I will get back to normal. Sometime.
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