Ss Philip & James

  • Daily and weekly task planning at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Attended by email to some evolving details of next month's visit from the Bishop of Tabora and his wife.
  • Edited, refined, printed, and scheduled for posting my homily for this Sunday (Chapel of St John the Divine, Champaign). At this stage of sermon preparation, "editing" largely means paying attention to the oral nature of the genre. One should write differently when one's words are going to be heard than when they're going to be read.
  • Took a longish walk on a gorgeous morning--down Spring to South Grand, then back up on First.
  • Further refined Bishop Elias' visit itinerary, and shared it with some key people.
  • Tied up a couple of loose ends from last week's visit from a couple of Pension Group representatives.
  • Turned by attention to some initial prep for next month's (fourth annual) St Michael's Youth Conference.
  • Attended Mass in the cathedral chapel for the major feast of Ss Philip & James.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Attended by email to some details pertaining to the search process in a pastorally-vacant parish. Trying to pull together a list of names for them.
  • Studied another section in the General Convention "Blue Book" that pertains to the legislative committee to which I have been assigned (Liturgy & Music).
  • Took another walk, this time north on Second around the north end of the Capitol and back down on First.
  • Worked on a Communion Partners project.
  • Scanned, categorized, and tagged a sheaf of hard copy in my physical inbox.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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