
I felt rather more "ownership" of my own destiny today. The threatened oncoming sickness that I felt last night failed to materialize. I was up early per usual on a Thursday morning for a weights and treadmill workout . Morning Prayer at home, as I had to wait for the scheduled arrival of a team of two plumbers who spent two-thirds of the day doing some important but non-emergency work in our home. I slipped out to attend a 10am meeting of the diocesan trustees. (This is the group responsible for overseeing our invested funds.) Leveraged the presence of two of the trustees whom I needed to speak with on other matters in a couple of short conversations after the meeting. Back home for lunch, stopping at HyVee to pick up some fried chicken. Hung around the house to be available to the plumbers for random questions, but steadily ticking items off my task list thanks to a robust internet connection. Back to the office around 3:00. Took care of a couple administrative details, then did some homiletical heavy lifting, squeezing out a message statement for s sermon on the Sunday of Proper 4 (June 3 in Alton Parish). Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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