Saturday (Martyrs of Lyons)

  • Up and out as on a regular weekday. At the office by 0830.
  • Prepared to preside and preach at the Cursillo team Mass at 10. Prepared readings, arranged liturgical space, conferred with musicians.
  • Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Attended the beginning of the Commission on Ministry Meeting, giving the members a thumbnail sketch of their three interviewees.
  • Celebrated the Mass, commemorating the Martyrs of Lyons.
  • Rejoined the COM meeting, in progress. We were finished around 1:00. I battened down the hatches on the diocesan office and headed home, stopping for a pizza at Pie's the Limit.
  • Ate my lunch at home, then packed for an overnight and headed south, solo, at 3:00.
  • Met at 4:30 with tomorrow's candidates for baptism, confirmation, reception, and first communion. It was a good-sized group. Spent about an hour with them.
  • Dinner with the Mission Leadership Team of Alton Parish. Good food and good fellowship, but they didn't shy away from posing some pertinent, non-softball, questions.


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