Ss Peter & Paul

  • Up and out in time to retrieve the Chakupewas at the Doubletree at 0645, delivering them to the airport in St Louis and taking final leave at around 0900, having stuck with them through bag check and seeing that they cleared security.
  • Home at 1100. Cleared out my email box, organized my tasks, and dealt with the social media reverberations over the fact that The Living Church published an interview with me its most recent edition. There was also some chatter to monitor over a newly-revealed General Convention resolution that is a less drastic alternative to the one intended to force knuckle-dragging bishops like me on the issue of same-sex marriage.
  • Lunch from La Bamba, eaten back at home.
  • To the office then, where I dealt with a handful of substantive emails that have been awaiting my attention, conferred with Paige on an ongoing issue, and hand-wrote notes to clergy and spouses with nodal events in July.
  • Lectio divina on tomorrow daily office OT reading.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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