
About the only encouraging thing I can say is that, a week from tonight, we'll be unpacking our bags at home! 

Another ungodly start time--7:30 committee meeting, which went 2.5 hours. The big kahuna on our agenda was to get a resolution to the floor on what to do with the liturgical calendar, and we accomplished that. The result is rather minimalist--excising from the Prayer Book all lesser feasts in that category Days of Option Observance, sending them to the SCLM with instructions to formulate a single, non-tiered calendar of commemorations, all with the same ancillary resources (which can be any, none, or all of readings, collects, and biographies) in a proposed 2021 Lesser Feasts & Fasts. This will raise eyebrows. We'll see how it plays. 

Regular legislative session from 10:30-1:00, interrupted several times to welcome various groups of visitors, the most moving of which was the family of a young lady killed in the Ash Wednesday shooting spree in Parkland, Florida. The family are active Episcopalians. 

We broke for lunch between 1:00 and 2:30, which I shared with the Bishops of Western Kansas and West Missouri (our wives were all with one another at a spouses' activity). Still, there was barely enough time, as the restaurant didn't seem adequately staffed to handle a convention of people who are all on the same meal schedule. 

Between 2:30 and 4:00, we were in another joint session, this one on evangelism, Essentially, is was a series of four talks in the TED-talk genre, followed by conversations at tables. 

The daily convention Eucharist was offsite, followed by "Texas Night" and a barbecue, We opted to forego those events, and take the time for some much-needed rest and a nap, followed by a relaxed dinner with the Springfield deputation. Felt slightly guilty, but it was the right decision. Beginning to feel slightly human again.


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