Thursday (Charles Chapman Grafton)

  • Customary Thursday treadmill workout to start the day.
  • Morning Prayer in the car while driving to the office.
  • Conferred with the Communications Coordinator over an ongoing issue.
  • Attended to a couple of requests for aid from the Bishop's Discretionary Fund.
  • Responded by email to some pastoral/liturgical/administrative questions (yes, all three of those things can kind of run together) from a presbyter of the diocese.
  • Three more emails to three more people over three most pastoral-administrative concerns.
  • Got to work taking my Proper 18 homily from "developed outline" to "rough draft." This is for September 9 at Trinity, Yazoo City, MS, my DEPO parish.
  • Lunch at home. Leftovers.
  • Continued work on the sermon text and brought it to its desired state.
  • Attended for a while to the Christian formation project I made reference to yesterday.
  • Did a whole bunch of scanning, cataloguing, and tagging of hard copy items.
  • Caught up with the Archdeacon on some things.
  • Evening Prayer in the car on the way home.


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