Friday (St Alfred the Great)

  • Task planning and Morning Prayer in my living room chair.
  • Put some effort into solving a tech glitch that has annoyed me for several days--the email client I use wasn't downloading messages sent to my diocesan account (I've still been getting them, but by logging in directly to Outlook on Office 365). Of course, as soon as I gave up and generated a service ticket, everything started behaving as it's supposed to. That's the way it goes.
  • Chased down some information pertaining to an ongoing pastoral/administrative concern. Got this accomplished by email and turning my laptop sideways to read a PDF.
  • Got down to detailed planning of the Monday evening session of the upcoming clergy conference. Interestingly, this caused me to spend quality time with the 1928 and 1662 Prayer Books, as well as the Anglican Missal.
  • Lunch from leftovers.
  • Finished the aforementioned clergy conference task, then plowed right ahead into plotting the liturgy details for said conference. Juggled two hymnals and a Psalter to get this done.
  • Synergized prayer and exercise, doing a lectio divina on Psalm 35 while taking a long, vigorous walk.
  • Evening Prayer in my chair.


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