Thursday (St Francis)

  • Per the still-evolving new routine, Morning Prayer in the living room of our Chicago apartment.
  • Devoted most of the morning to a sermon for St Luke's Day (transferred to October 21 at St Luke's, Springfield), taking it from "message statement" to "developed outline." My text is the line from II Timothy: "Luke alone is with me."
  • There were plans for more ministry-related accomplishments, but they were detailed by a suddenly-discovered snafu in the Ikea wardrobe I've been trying to assemble. This required a trip to Ikea in Schaumburg. By the time I got back, the afternoon was pretty well shot, thought I did make a little progress on the wardrobe.
  • Stepped out for some dinner tacos to go at a place a few yards away.
  • Packed, got Brenda settled a bit with respect to my impending absence, and his the road to Springfield at 7:30, Arrived just after 11:00. Camping out in my office.


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