Wednesday (Therese of Lisieux)

  • Morning Prayer in my living room chair.
  • Spent quality time with an old sermon text for Proper 23 (from 2000). Performed the appropriate surgery to rescue it from its original context and make it appropriate for use a week from this Sunday at St Mark's, West Frankfort.
  • Laid out the broad strokes of my state-of-the-diocese address at the annual diocesan synod on the 19th.
  • Took care of a couple of small administrative issues via email.
  • Worked a while on the ongoing project of assembling my Ikea wardrobe (awful closet space in this old apartment).
  • Walked a couple of blocks to get a Sandwich from Subway for lunch.
  • Took care of a couple of administrative chores pertaining to my transit card, which is now an important part of my life, living in Chicago.
  • Followed up with an issue brought to my attention by a lay member of the cathedral, I am inclined to support the idea of the Springfield city council adoption a "Welcoming City" resolution, which seeks to abet a culture of respect for the human dignity of immigrants.
  • Wrote an email to the Bishop of Tabora asking for a word of greeting that we might put on our website.
  • Cleaned up my computer desktop (a routine maintenance chore).
  • Kept a phone appointment with a cleric of the diocese over a personal pastoral issue.
  • Moved the ball a few yards downfield with respect to a nagging pastoral-administrative issue ... by Facebook Messenger, no less.
  • Composed a letter (to be sent by snail mail) in response to one I had received before General Convention from the primate of another Anglican province, closing the loop on some concerns he raised then in light of what convention actually did.


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