Saturday (Immaculate Conception)

There are plans and there is life. Today, life won. It was supposed to be a leisurely morning ahead of a 1:00-2:00 departure to the Hampton Inn Edwardsville/Glen Carbon and a visitation tomorrow to St Bartholomew's, Granite City. It ended up with a canceled visitation after several hours of quality time in the ER at Swedish Covenant Hospital. In our living room, seated on a couch (for which we are grateful), Brenda passed out and started to convulse. After about five seconds, she was fine. But we couldn't not have it checked out, since it was the second fainting episode within a month. The prevailing theory is what they call orthostasis due to insufficient hydration. Tests for other things (cardiac, electrolytes) all came back negative. We'll be following up with her primary doctor ASAP. In the meantime, I need to stick close to her, and I'm sure the good people of St Bartholomew's are understanding about this, although it is wrenchingly uncomfortable for me to not be with them as planned.


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