Saturday (Nicholas Ferrar)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Walked to Charlie Parker's for breakfast  (2.2 miles).
  • Walked from Charlie Parker's to the blood bank to make a scheduled donation (2.6 miles).
  • Walked to the home that I still make payments on but remains vacant, to generally inspect it and turn down the thermostats (2.4 miles).
  • Walked back to the office (2.5 miles).
  • Took off my shoes and rested a good long while, lunching on leftovers from yesterday.
  • Hand-wrote greetings to clergy and spouses with birthdays and wedding anniversaries in December,. Wrote emails to those with ordination anniversaries (for which December is a banner month).
  • Responded to accumulated emails and various other small administrative items.
  • Did a year's worth of *master* sermon planning plotting.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Went out to find some steak for dinner, given that I had left a slew of red cells at the blood bank.
  • Responded substantively to a substantive email I found waiting for me when I got back to the office.


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