Wednesday (O Radix Jesse)

  • Morning Prayer and task planning per the current routine.
  • Got started developing the homiletical message statement for Epiphany into an actual outlined and plotted sermon.
  • Broke off from that work to keep an appointment to make my regular pre-Christmas confession at a (relatively) nearby parish. Stayed for the Mass that followed shortly thereafter.
  • Returned home and processed a stack of accumulated emails.
  • Cobbled together various sorts of leftovers to provide lunch for Brenda and me.
  • Got back to working on that Epiphany sermon, and finished with something that I can further develop into a rough draft text next week.
  • Returned to the project of adapting the Roman Catholic rite for exorcism for use in an Anglican context. Made major strides toward that goal. 
  • Took my daily walk, enjoying the multiplicity of route possibilities in a developed urban context.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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