
  • Up and out of my office encampment in time to offer Morning Prayer in the cathedral at 0730. Then on to McD's to pick up some breakfast and have a phone conversation with Brenda.
  • Caught up with the Archdeacon on a range of issues.
  • Got my tasks for the day organized, which took longer than usual because of an inordinately large onslaught of recent emails.
  • Consulted with the Archdeacon on a canonical issue.
  • Had a brief but substantial conversation with the Archdeacon and the Administrator on sharpening our data backup and archiving protocols. This will never be an urgent issue (unless a tornado makes a direct hit on our virtually indestructible building), but it is nonetheless important. 
  • Dealt by email with some suddenly emergent Communion Partner business.
  • Worked with Paige to develop a Plan B for an important meeting scheduled for tomorrow, since several inches of snow are predicted. We'll try a video conferencing solution.
  • Resumed working on master sermon planning for Lent through Trinity Sunday.
  • Lunch from KFC, then down to the Mazda dealer to have them deal with the tire pressure warning light that was on.
  • Back to the sermon plotting work, with several email interruptions. This basically took the rest of the afternoon, apart from ...
  • ... a vigorous walk west to Walnut, north to Carpenter, east to Ninth, south to Lawrence, and back over. Synergized by doing en route an Ignatian meditation on the gospel reading from the daily office lectionary.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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