Thursday (William Laud)

  • Customary weekday early AM routine.
  • Hunkered down with commentaries and did the exegetical work on the readings for Epiphany V (Holy Trinity, Danville).
  • Reached out by email over a couple of pastoral/admin issues.
  • Wrestled with my notes on the readings for Epiphany IV (Christ the King, Normal) and arrived at a homiletical message statement,.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Began working on master sermon prep planning for the period between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday,
  • Took Brenda to a healthcare appointment.
  • Took a 75-minute power walk (the "power" part necessary to generate some body heat on a very cold day).
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.
  • Order-in Thai food for dinner. Then packed at hit the road southbound at 7:15. Arrived at the diocesan center in Springfield for my weekend deployment at 10:30.


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