Wednesday (Phillips Brooks)

  • Usual AM weekday routine.
  • Responded to a batch of accumulated emails, which sent me off into some calendar work. 
  • Spoke by phone with a cleric of the diocese who was (quite understandably) seeking a bit of pastoral care.
  • Did the finish work on my homily for Epiphany III, this Sunday at Trinity, Lincoln.
  • Chinese carryout lunch, from the joint around the corner.
  • Spent an hour or so making incremental progress organizing our basement, which will be an ongoing project for quite some time.
  • Plotted the shape of a sermon for Epiphany IV (Christ the King, Normal), from message statement to developed outline.
  • Took my accustomed walk, on an afternoon of falling temperatures.
  • Did similar homiletical development on my sermon for Epiphany V (Holy Trinity, Danville).
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.
  • After dinner: Wrote a substantive memo to my Communion Partner colleagues, summarizing last week's meeting in Toronto.


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