
  • Usual weekday early AM routine.
  • Spent the morning creating a rough draft of a sermon text for the Last Sunday after Epiphany, March 3 at St Paul's, Pekin). 
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Walked Brenda to the Swedish Covenant Healthcare mothership to have some blood drawn for lab work (which, we learned later, yielded a normal sodium reading), then leveraged the situation to complete an extended walk on a beginning-t0-be-mild February afternoon.
  • Did the exegetical work, consulting commentaries, on the readings for Lent V (April 7 at Redeemer, Cairo).
  • Friday prayer: Ignatian medication on the day's office gospel reading from Mark.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.
  • After dinner: Chose music for the Chrism Mass (April 13) and sent the selections off to the cathedral organist. Tied the bow on the draft official exorcism rite and sent it to the diocesan exorcist for his review. Sent a script for my next catechetical video to the Communications Coordinator, with some comments.


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