
  • Morning Prayer as dawn broke ... followed by tea, breakfast, crossword, email culling, Facebook scanning, task planning, shower.
  • Greeted a radiator/boiler repair guy and reviewed the issues we have in our building, and in each unit. Steam heat is endearing, but exotic.
  • Made serious progress developing a homily for the institution of Fr Morsch in Edwardsville on the 16th.
  • Walked the three blocks to the Swedish Covenant Health complex for a physical therapy appointment.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Churned out another section of my in-progress pastoral teaching document on marriage and sexuality.
  • Took a long, brisk walk with Brenda as temps began to plummet.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.
  • Fixed a chicken fajita-ish dish for dinner.
  • Packed and his the road southbound at 7:10. Strong, gust wind the whole way slowed progress, so I didn't make record time. Pulled into the diocesan garage right at 11:00.


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