
  • Usual weekday AM routine.
  • Worked to do my part to assist with a UTO grant application from Redeemer, Cairo. Technological glitches and quandaries resulted in this taking *way* longer than it should have, but, with some timely assistance from the Diocesan Administrator and the Diocesan UTO Coordinator, I believe we got done what needed to get done.
  • Moved the ball downfield on setting up conversations with two individuals who want to talk about discerning a call to the diaconate.
  • Took Brenda to see her primary care physician to follow up on her recent low-sodium incident. That particular crisis is behind us, but, until we know what caused it, there will be a concern. More tests.
  • Lunch from a nearby taqueria, eaten at home.
  • Dealt via a chain of substantive emails with the nitty-gritty details of a hoped-for ordination of transitional deacons toward the end of March.
  • Synergized an errant to buy a printer ink cartridge into a *very* long walk, which I consider a very good thing.
  • Made some substantial progress toward preparing a homily for Lent I, when I don't have a visitation in the diocese, but have a guest celebrant-preacher gig at the Church of the Ascension in Chicago.
  • Made a similar sort of homiletical progress for my appearance at Trinity, Lincoln on Ash Wednesday.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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