Saturday (St Gregory the Illuminator)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Walked down to Charlie Parker's for breakfast, which is 2.5 miles each way, so I got my daily quota of steps in, and then some.
  • Returned to the office around 1015 and took a bit of down time surfing through Facebook and giving in to the urge to comment on something controversial, which hardly ever ends well.
  • Did the clergy "nodal event" (birthdays, anniversaries of marriage and ordination) for clergy and spouses for April.
  • Packed up, did a bit of personal shopping, grabbed a burger from Wendy's, and headed south toward Salem.
  • Attended a dinner gathering at the home of Fr David and Elizabeth Baumann, during the course of which I interviewed two potential aspirants to the diaconate.
  • Drove down to Mt Vernon and ensconced myself at the Doubletree, ahead of tomorrow's visit to St Thomas' in Salem.


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