Thursday (Thomas Ken)

  • Up at the usual hour. Morning Prayer. Tea.
  • Left on foot at 0810 to keep an 0830 breakfast appointment with Fr Patrick Raymond, rector of Ascension, Chicago, who has become a valued friend.
  • Leveraged the fact that I had walked a mile to breakfast by walking three more, getting my full ration of steps for the day, and then some.
  • Paid more attention to the remedial work I began last night for my Forward Day by Day lectionary reflections (which will appear in November).
  • Responded substantively to an email about a serious pastoral issue in the diocese.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Fleshed out, refined, edited, formatted, printed, and scheduled for posting my homily for Sunday afternoons diaconal ordinations.
  • Did some reconstructive surgery on a previously-used sermon text for Lent IV, repurposing it for use this year at Emmanuel, Champaign.
  • Attended to a pastoral/administrative issue with respect to one of our clergy.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.
  • Prepared some leftovers for dinner. Then packed, loaded the YFNBmobile, and headed south at 7:00, arriving at my office campsite in Springfield just before 10:30.


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