Holy Tuesday

  • Usual telecommuting weekday AM routine.
  • Did the finish work (edit, refine, format, print, arrange for posting, put hard copy in car) on my Good Friday homily.
  • Reviewed some materials in connection with the process of filling our communications vacancy.
  • Did some substantial personal brainstorming toward the end of developing a plan for next November's annual clergy conference.
  • Yielded to a sudden craving and found the nearest KFC from which to bring some lunch home to eat.
  • Did the finish work (see above for description) on my Easter homily.
  • Took some steps toward finding myself a local therapist. I'm not too proud to deny that there's enough complication and stress in my life that I could benefit from the perspective of someone who's not in it.
  • Took the balance of the afternoon to cross off some long-pressing domestic chore3s, then grab a vigorous walk.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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