Tuesday (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

  • Usual routine: contemplative prayer and intercession beginning around 0620, Morning Prayer, tea, breakfast, internet cruising, crossword, task planning, shower.
  • Dealt with a substantial bit of pastoral care by email.
  • Responded briefly to a message from the Bishop of Tabora.
  • Moved the ball downfield a few yards in the ongoing project of reassessing the diocese's communication strategy.
  • Combed through Good Friday sermon texts from prior years. Identified one for use next week at Springfield Cathedral. Did some preliminary surgery to freshen it up. More to come.
  • Made hotel reservations for two upcoming special events.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Dealt by email with some significant details pertaining to this Saturday's Chrism Mass.
  • Did some substantial internet research in connection with a pastoral issue.
  • Long walk with Brenda on a nice afternoon.
  • Today was the day for pastoral stuff: More focused attention, via internet research and email, on an issue quite distinct from the other two I've mentioned.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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