Friday (Jackson Kemper)

  • Usual weekday telecommuting early AM routine.
  • Traded emails with the rector of Ascension, Chicago, where I will be making another guest appearance on Sunday.
  • Hoofed down to the Swedish Covenant Hospital complex (about four blocks) for an occupational therapy appointment to do with my wrist injury from January of *last* year.
  • Took care of a timely bit of personal financial business.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Hoofed it once again, this time in a different direction, for a 1pm psychotherapy appointment.
  • Spoke by Skype with a candidate for the Communications Coordinator vacancy.
  • Stepped upstairs for a short family celebration of Hattie's *actual* birthday (her ceremonial birthday having been observed last Sunday).
  • Dealt via email with a pastoral/liturgical issue raised by one of our parish clergy.
  • Responded to a financial/administrative inquiry from the Administrator.
  • Reviewed and revised the Communications Coordinator job description.
  • Reviewed some materials pertaining to the mission strategy development process.
  • Evening Prayer alone in our living room.


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