Ss Philip & James

  • Customary early-AM weekday routine.
  • Performed some routine change-of-month calendar maintenance.
  • Devoted some time and energy toward trying to figure out the best way to proceed toward maximizing the effectiveness of the diocesan communications apparatus.
  • Made an appointment for then YFNBmobile to be serviced on Friday.
  • Via an email exchange, made some incremental progress in a Christian formation project that is dear to my heart.
  • Wrestled with the readings for Pentecost until I forced them to yield a homiletical message statement for the occasion (which will occur at St Michael's, O'Fallon).
  • Lunch from Subway, eaten at home.
  • Turned my attention to the pastoral teaching document on sexuality and marriage that I've been working on. 
  • Laid it aside to take Brenda to a post-surgical checkup. Then we leveraged the fact that we were out and about on foot to turn the endeavor into a proper walk.
  • Returned to the writing project and ended up with a rough draft of the next segment.
  • Posted some material to the diocesan website regarding the Thy Kingdom Come Novena that we'll be participating in again between Ascension and Pentecost.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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