Wednesday (Julian of Norwich)

  • Usual telecommuting weekday early AM routine.
  • Confirmed the commitment of a presenter for our November clergy conference.
  • Dealt immediately with an incoming email about an important pastoral-administrative development.
  • Got under the hood of a very old (around 25 years) homily text for Easter VI and rehabbed it for use this year as I make another guest appearance at Ascension, Chicago (no visitation that weekend).
  • Drafted and sent a substantive email to the Treasurer and the Chair of the Finance Committee regarding the financial parameters of how we proceed with regard to vacancy in communications.
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Connected by phone with a consultant whom we have used in the past regarding the possibility of his working with another of our Eucharistic Communities.
  • Devoted the bulk of the afternoon to my ongoing writing project--a pastoral teaching document on marriage and sexuality.
  • Worked an hour on one of my other ongoing projects--bringing some order to the chaos of my basement.
  • Took a brisk walk on a late afternoon that at least slightly resembled seasonable weather.
  • Evening Prayer fell through the cracks due to an impromptu visit from Hattie.


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