Thursday (Beheading of John the Baptist)

  • Usual early AM routine, abbreviated by being out the door at 0835 for chiropractic appointment. Back around 0930, finished the crossword in record time, got cleaned up and presentable.
  • Grappled passionately with my exegetical notes on the gospel for Proper 21, in preparation for preaching at St Stephen's, Harrisburg on September 29. I finally coaxed a homiletical message statement out of the process.
  • Made air travel arrangements to attend the October Living Church Foundation, which will take place in Alexandria, Virginia. 
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Attended to a piece of "national church" business.
  • Got further organized toward processing the collected (and un-collected) parish Mission Strategy Reports.
  • Turned my attention for the rest of the afternoon (and much of the evening) to a major household project.
  • Evening Prayer with Brenda.


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