Thursday (Therese of Lisieaux)

  • Intercessions, Morning Prayer, tea, breakfast, crossword, task planing.
  • Hoofed it the 1.2 miles to my chiropractic appointment, then back.
  • Spent the balance of the morning with commentaries on Luke's gospel, in preparation for preaching the readings for Proper 27 (November 10 at St Matthew's, Bloomington).
  • Lunched on leftovers.
  • Attended to a handful of smallish matters pertaining to synod, communication, and clergy deployment.
  • Did master sermon planning for the period between Advent I and Epiphany Last. This is a pretty major project that happens three times a year, and involves looking over previously-used material to see whether it can be repurposed (most of the time, these days, it can't), and plotting tasks accordingly. It also involved roughing out my 2020 visitation calendar, though it's not ready to share yet.
  • Conceived and hatched a homily for the synod Mass.
  • Took a brisk walk on a blustery day.


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