Friday (St Nicholas)

  • On the road southbound at 0527. A John Grisham audio book made the time slide right by. Arrived at Green Mazda in Springfield around 0835. Left the YFNBmobile there for a service appointment and called an Uber to take me to the office.
  • Processed emails that arrived overnight. Organized tasks. Began doing finish work on this Sunday's homily.
  • Kept at 10am appointment with the wardens of one of our Eucharistic Communities, along with the Archdeacon, to discuss some financial concerns.
  • Returned to, and completed, the sermon work I had begun.
  • Since I was carless, I walked into downtown and had pizza for lunch.
  • Began processing accumulated hard-copy items on my desk.
  • Took care of a small administrative chore.
  • Met was three members of the Standing Committee, at their request, to discuss a pastoral issue.
  • Called another Uber to take me back to the Mazda dealer and retrieve my vehicle.
  • Dealt with a couple of emails that have taken longer that I would have liked to rise to the top of the pile.
  • Friday devotion: Ignatian meditation on the daily office gospel reading for the day.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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