Saturday (St Ambrose)

  • Morning Prayer in my office, then off on foot to Charlie Parker's for breakfast, and back. Between the walking about 45 minutes each way and the eating, it was a little past eleven by the time I was cleaned up and ready take on the work day.
  • Responded by email, as gently and pastorally as I could, to a lay communicant of the diocese who is upset with me for a stand I have taken.
  • Responded to a request for a donation from my Discretionary Fund for a contribution to the project of establishing an Anglican center in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. It would greet pilgrims as they complete the Camino and be able to offer the sort of Eucharistic hospitality that the Roman Catholic church is presently unable to extend to those who are not of their own fold.
  • Caught up on a bit of Covenant blog reading.
  • Out to Chick-Fil-A for some lunch, then a bit of shopping at Macy's, Scheel's, and HyVee.
  • Plotted the plotting (yes, that sounds weird) of sermon preparation tasks for the next 12 months.
  • Brainstormed and committed to pixels a rough plan for the theological and spiritual formation of diaconal ordinands. There is no institutional option at the moment that seems entirely satisfactory. So we are going to be creative and improvise.
  • Either by hand-written note or scheduled email, extended greetings to clergy and spouses with nodal events in December (having already missed some by this date).
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral, then dinner at what has become one my local haunts: Bernie & Betty's (it's a pizza place, but I always have their fine beef ravioli with meat sauce).


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