
Out of the garage and headed south at 0520. Arrived at Diocesan House in Springfield at 0845. As I was getting myself set up, had substantive check-ins with the Administrator and the Canon to the Ordinary. Organized tasks for the day. Did some last-minute prep for my "shoot" session with Hannah, which began at 1000. We recorded the next in the "Seven Marks of Discipleship" series, #5, on discernment. The kind of skill Hannah brings to this is precisely what I've been looking for practically since I began this ministry. Conferred with the Treasurer briefly on a mission-related issue. Lunched on fried tilapia from a nearby place called Da Catch. Took successive lengthy phone calls from two priests of the diocese. Aided Canon Evans in making some decisions about how best to dispose of some of the accumulated junk in the conference room. We're leveraging this moment of staff transition to do some housecleaning. Attended to a handful of small administrative tasks. Stepped out to get a haircut on the west side of town. Prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary in the cathedral, followed by Evening Prayer. Walked to Saputo's downtown for dinner.


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